Monday, November 7, 2011

What I wore when it got (temporarily)chilly

So I was looking over my inspiration post again yesterday and struggling with the temptation to buy and the reality of my budget. Always frustrating, especially when it comes to justifying purchases. Sure, I have a cream dress, but I don't have a cream dress with a fancy collar. And so on and so forth until I've worked myself into a frenzy and I'm clutching my credit card so tightly it leaves a groove in my palm. One of the reasons I started this blog is to remind myself I don't have to shop as often. I've got a more than suitable closet full of great items already, and I should try to remember that and work with what I already have more often.

This outfit isn't a replica of that post, but I think it has the same vintage feel and shares a lot of the color pallet. I originally selected a pair of cream slingbacks, but that ended up appearing to matchy-matchy, and I think these laced heels compliment the 30's style I was going for. I even managed to find an old bee broach I had forgotten I had. All in all, a comfortable (even the shoes!), very wearable outfit that I really enjoyed.
cream dress and top: Target '09 / '10 / earrings and pin:thrifted

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