Friday, November 25, 2011

I made food! That was easy! And didn't suck! - Orange Chicken

 I love food blogs. Food Gawker is one of my favorite sites to peruse when I want to pretend I will make the time to attempt a culinary masterpiece. Alas, I'm a terrible cook for the most part; soggy side dishes and congealed sauces are my trademark. So when I find something that is easy enough even I can't screw it up, I want to be able to remember it!  Unfortunately I still haven't got the hang of proper food journaling and photography, so I just have a picture of the end product. The original recipe for the chicken was from Spark Recipes, a terrific site to search and find some great healthy meals. I changed it a little bit to suit my own taste, but here's the original.           -J.D

                                                     Orange Chicken
My food styling abilities leave something to be desired, recipe after the cut...


    1.5 tbsp olive oil
    1.5 tsp dried thyme                                                                                                                  
    1/2 tsp garlic powder                                                                                                                 1 tsp  sea salt                                                                                                                              1⁄4 tsp cayenne pepper
    1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breasts
    2 small to medium oranges
    3 tbsp rice-wine vinegar
    2 tbsp honey                                                                                                                            Directions:

          1. In a glass dish, mix together the oil, thyme,
           garlic powder, salt, and pepper for a quick marinade.
          2. Place the chicken flat on a cutting board, remove
          any fat, and slice each breast into quarters
          so that you have 1- to 11⁄2-inch thick strips. Add
          the meatto the marinade and toss to coat. Cover
          and place in the fridge for at least 15 minutes.
         (You can also do this in the morning.)
          3. Zest the orange by using a grater to remove
          just the orange part of the peel (not the white
          pith). Using a sharp knife, cut away the remaining
          peel and pith, then, holding the fruit over a
          bowl to catch the juice, cut sections from the
          orange, working in a V fashion to cut away any
          membrane. Reserve the fruit and juice for the
          sauce.*you could also use canned oranges to make 
          this step easier*
         4. Preheat a nonstick skillet to moderate heat.
          Spray with nonstick cooking spray, then add
          the chicken once the pan is hot. Discard the
          marinade. Cook the chicken until firm and no
          longer pink, about 7 minutes.
         5. While the meat is cooking, place the vinegar
         and honey in a small saucepan and bring to a
         boil. Lower the heat and simmer until the mixture
         is reduced by half. Add the orange, juice,
         and the zest to the sauce, stir and
         cook on low until the sauce has thickened.
         Divide the chicken onto 4 plates and
         pour the sauce over the meat.

I added a side dish of quinoa(a whole grain alternative to rice) and microwaved a bowl of spinach. I spooned the quinoa onto the plate and added the chicken and sauce over the top. Simple and tasty and makes easy leftovers. 

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