I love boots. I love them so much I continually rationalize I actually need 5 pairs of them in Texas, when 9 months out of the year wearing boots will more likely than not result in walking in sweat from the knees down. Which is an ever so lovely feeling, don't cha know. Thankfully(but not really) most boots don't fit my 17'' calves, so I can't actually rationalize buying something I can only zip to the ankles. On the flip side, when I do find a pair in a store that fit, I feel compelled to buy them RIGHT THIS MINUTE. Lest they disappear in poof of air and return to the plumptious fat fairy land from whence they came.
Such is the case with these comfy but rumpled, noisy pair from Target '09. They have a thick elastic panel in the back that stretches and are pull on, so no zippers to pinch my skin(this is a legit fear, I have scars, people). But of course being Target, they certainly aren't leather and the material makes a muffled squeaky noise when I walk. Actually, this entire outfit is Target now that I think of it, including a tunic that is (gasp!) maternity. Yes maternity wear; I figure if anyone is uncouth enough to check the label I probably shouldn't be worried about what they think of childless me wearing clothes for mommies.
tunic/black skirt/boots/earrings: Target '09 / necklace& flower pin:local store |
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