Friday, December 9, 2011

What I wore to get back in the dating scene, twice

I have a confession. Previous to last week, I hadn't been on a date in over a year. I just suck at dating;there's so much pressure, not only to look good but to appear as a more interesting version of yourself. Do I work out? Yes, I do when I'm motivated and have the time. Do I love to workout? Do I spring out of bed every morning ready to squat thrust my way through the day? No, no I do not. Do I cook? Enough to maintain my nutritional requirements if not my palate. Do I bake artisan breads and lovely simmer amazing homemade sauces? Eh, not so much. How about politics? Do I scour CNN and Wonkette and Huffington Post and am ready for a thoroughly incisive debate on the issues of the day? Weeeel, I watch the Daily Show and Colbert Report every so often. And I was quite amused to read this tumblr. 

My point being, it's hard out there for a non-pimp(ess), so I've taken the path of least resistance and removed myself from the dating pool for awhile. So when I was getting ready for a weekend with not just one dinner, but two, I was completely freaked out. COMPLETELY. FREAKED.OUT. I pretty much had this reaction in the mirror to every outfit:

Luckily I was able to get over myself for the most part and had a lovely time with both gents. I think I may have even been charming at one point. I can't remember all the details, I was trying really hard not to say anything stupid. Starting with Saturday's outfit, I got the top at Target in an XL, it was a little snug so I probably should have gone with a XXL. Paired with and old open cardigan and my favorite jeans, I felt pretty good that night, if a little cold. I realized later looking at the pics the shoes were not a good fit, but oh well, they were still cute, even if they didn't work perfectly.

closeup of blouse print
Blouse: Target / cardigan: Deb's '08/jeans:Old Navy sweetheart cut, '07/ shoes: Naturalizer via  Amazon

For outfit of the 2nd date, I went a little fancier, which was good because the restaurant was pretty swanky, but not the best choice for the weather. Holy shitballs it was cold....and rainy...and windy. However, the hostess at the restaurant said I looked adorable and even asked to know where I got the dress, so I was feeling pretty good. The dress is from Domino Dollhouse, a really cute online store that has a lot of options for younger fashionistas or those who enjoy retro styles (some of their dresses are simply amazing). The sweater is an old one from Ross, and the shoes were an outlet find for 7 dollars.

Dress:Domino Dollhouse /  sweater: Ross / shoes:NineWest via outlet /  jewelry: Target/ belt: Cato
All in all, I'm glad I decided to jump back into the dating pool, even if sometimes I feel like I need water wings to keep swimming safely. :)

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